• Once divers have qualified to Ocean Diver (or equivalent with another agency - click for details), they can undertake further training with Bedsac to obtain more advanced BSAC qualifications such as

    Sports Diver (click for details)

    This course aims to produce a diver who has gained open water diving and diver rescue experience and may conduct dives with another diver of the same level up to a maximum depth of 35 metres.

    Depth progression to this depth from the 20M limit for Ocean Divers will be done as part of a plan agreed with the Diving Officer and will be done with a diver already experienced at operating at the depths to be reached.


    Dive Leader (click for details)

    Qualified Dive Leaders are equipped to do more exciting exploratory dives in a wide range of conditions.

    They can dive with divers of any grade to expand their experience and support Ocean Divers in new conditions and locations, under the supervision of a Dive Manager.

    Depth progression up to a maximum depth of 50M.


    Advanced Diver (click for details)

    Are you ready to take others on an adventure? This course will equip you to manage challenging diving activities and expeditions in places you haven’t been before. Advanced Divers are role models in BSAC clubs, able to lead groups in new situations, which can be remote and require detailed planning backed up by a huge amount of experience. 


    Want to become an Instructor?

    Once qualified as a Sports Diver, the instructor route opens up and Sports Divers can attend the BSAC Instructor Foundation Course to become an Assistant Diving Instructor leading on to becoming a full Open Water Instructor once the Dive Leader grade is attained.


    Want to do even more advanced Diving?

    More advanced diving and instructor grades can be pursued through BSAC Regional and National training courses, including Technical diving qualifications for those who wish to explore more extreme depths.